
Tips For a Healthy Everyday Life for the Whole Family

Do you ever wonder if you’re getting enough nutrition from your diet? Doubtful about taking supplements? So keep reading for our family-friendly recommendations for a healthy lifestyle all year round.

Are You Eating Well?

A healthy and varied diet should never be supplemented. We strongly believe in supplements. And if you and your family eat a varied, coarse, and green diet, you are probably covered for a while. But do you want to raise the temperature if you like it? Take note of the following in your daily diet:

We Eat Lots of Veggies

Vitamins and minerals are found in fruits and vegetables. So, no need to hold back, but eat the rainbow: Mixing green, yellow, red, and purple fruits, and vegetables provide a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Adults should consume 600 grams of vegetables per day, while children aged 4 to 10 should consume 300-500 grams.

We Eat Fibrous Foods

Whole grains, lentils, and beans are good sources of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, as well as vitamins like B and E. They are also high in dietary fiber, which helps our bodies eliminate waste products. Consume 75 g of whole grains daily: This is equivalent to a breakfast bowl of oatmeal and a lunch or dinner of lentils, brown rice, or legumes.

We Adore Fish and Healthy Oils

Fish, especially fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, halibut, and herring, are loaded with nutrients. We get vitamin D, iodine, and selenium from here, as well as the essential omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are good for our brain and heart. The National Board of Health recommends 350 g of fish per week, of which 200 g should be fatty, and that we prioritize healthy vegetable oils daily. Vegetarians and vegans can get good fatty acids from hemp seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts, while algae has DHA and EPA.

We Get Enough Calcium

As you may be aware, calcium is required for the growth and maintenance of bones, teeth, and muscles in both children and adults. Children under 9 should get around 600 mg, and everyone over 9 should get around 800-900 mg. Others get their calcium from green leafy vegetables, whole grains, almonds, fortified plant drinks, and supplements.

We Eat Diverse

We have all the classics in the kitchen, but it can lead to us eating the same ten foods week after week. Kitchen explorers! Try new recipes and eat a variety of vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources. We want to eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients we need.

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